Chris' Plan for a
Healthy Cuyahoga County
Chris' Plan for a
Healthy Cuyahoga County
Chris' Plan for a
Healthy Cuyahoga County
Healthy Government
Healthy Communities
Healthy Economy
Cuyahoga County must have healthy communities, a healthy economy and a healthy government. Chris is ready to build strong partnerships across the region and leverage Cuyahoga County's assets to build a better future for all.
Economic Recovery
Jobs & Workforce
Freshwater Capital
Small Businesses
Equity & Inclusion
Smart Government
Human Services
Senior Services
Shared Services
Public Health
Public Safety
Schools are central to our communities and high-quality education is essential to securing our county's future. Pre-K-12 education should prepare each student for the workforce, college or entry into a trade or technical school. Cuyahoga Community College and the county’s universities are key to our region’s success. We need to retain talent in Cuyahoga County to grow our population and economy.
Chris will:
Advocate to extend Pre-K education to all children in Cuyahoga County.
Build on partnerships with our recreation centers, libraries and other institutions to create wraparound and summer programs for Pre-K-12 students.
Bridge the digital divide with public private partnerships to ensure that digital connectivity is never a barrier to learning.
Encourage even more accessible trade and technical schools.
Expand access to Cuyahoga Community College programs to high school students.
Focus on increasing literacy rates for children and adults throughout Cuyahoga County.
Economic Recovery
The Covid-19 pandemic exposed long lasting inequities in our county and country. Chris is determined to lead an inclusive economic recovery that prioritizes job growth, equity and modernization.
Chris will:
Utilize a community based economic development plan because every municipality has its unique advantages and challenges.
Fight for a living wage for Cuyahoga residents.
Focus on providing a safety net for those struggling to recover from the pandemic.
Partner with Cuyahoga County's communities to identify and secure federal recovery grants.
Jobs & Workforce
In University Circle, Chris and his team oversaw Ohio’s fastest-growing employment district. By building lasting partnerships with employers and schools across Cuyahoga County, we can think innovatively about sustainable job growth. We must focus on leveraging our core economic strengths to spur economic growth, supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses and bringing new companies and industries to the region.
Chris will:
Work with local area partners on workforce development opportunities to connect schools, employers, public partners and nonprofits.
Support existing and create new technical and trade schools in Cuyahoga County to create new job pipelines.
Expand workforce development opportunities so that every adult has the skills to obtain and maintain employment.
Partner with labor unions to create more skilled trades opportunities and apprenticeships.
Restore the county's Division of Employer Resources within the Department of Development to ensure greater business retention.
Freshwater Capital
As Planning Director at the City of Cleveland, Chris led the Cleveland Lakefront Plan that began the transformation of our lakefront. Since then, lakefront projects have received millions of dollars in investment but there is still more to do to connect Cuyahoga County residents to Lake Erie. Cuyahoga County should be the freshwater capital of the world and Chris can help us get there. The Great Lakes supply 84% of North America's surface fresh water and our county's strategic location on Lake Erie’s shore is one of our community’s largest advantages.
Chris will:
Protect the water quality of our lake, rivers, and tributaries by promoting green infrastructure, reduction of storm water runoff and other pollutants.
Elevate Cuyahoga County as the Freshwater Capital through educational programming, increased public access and public art.
Create new jobs by leveraging waterborne business opportunities and partnering with the Port of Cleveland.
Maximize trails, public boardwalks and greater public access to Lake Erie and our rivers in Cuyahoga County.
Develop an annual water exposition to draw innovation and entrepreneurship to our lakefront.
Review Cuyahoga County airports and air service and evaluate Burke Lakefront Airport's usage.
Cuyahoga County's location near natural resources and large population centers is one of our strengths, but we need to ensure that our infrastructure, from roads and bridges to broadband internet and airports, is continually maintained and improved.
Chris will:
Coordinate regional air service improvements with the City of Cleveland and the Greater Cleveland Partnership.
Develop a regional logistics plan for the movement of goods and people.
Launch a green infrastructure plan to promote a sustainability.
Partner with Internet Service Providers, nonprofits, and foundations to ensure that all Cuyahoga County residents have broadband internet access.
Collaborate with municipalities to use ARPA resources for critical infrastructure improvements.
Small Businesses
Chris grew up with hardworking parents who were both small business owners and he knows the challenges that our small businesses face. As a county we need to utilize our shared resources to support our small business base and aid struggling small businesses, especially those hurting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Chris will:
Expand workforce development for small business employers and employees.
Invest in programs that help small businesses access new technology.
Support minority, LGBTQIA+, immigrant, refugee and women-owned businesses by reducing startup barriers and increasing access to small business loans.
Expand the SBA-County-Municipal Initiative and build partnerships with more municipalities.
Reinvest in Cuyahoga County’s Business Growth Lending program to help growing businesses expand in Cuyahoga County.
Supply Chain Inclusion
Cleveland's hospital systems spend a combined $5 billion per on year on goods and services. We need to ensure that the largest proportion of those funds are spent locally. As president of University Circle Inc., Chris worked to connect local small businesses to large anchor employer's supply chains. In a healthy economy more local dollars stay local.
Chris will:
Work with area hospitals on supplier diversity and supply chain development with local area businesses with an emphasis on minority and women owned businesses
Evaluate Cuyahoga County contracts to identify opportunities to spend locally.
Identify training and educational opportunities for small business owners to help them grow and scale their businesses.
Equity & Inclusion
As president of University Circle Inc.., Chris worked to connect local small businesses to large anchor employer's supply chains. We must ensure that local partners, especially minority and women owned businesses, benefit from all projects that receive public support. In a healthy economy, local dollars stay local.
Chris will:
Establish a framework for Cuyahoga County contracts to maximize local spending opportunities.
Identify training and educational opportunities for small business owners to help them grow and scale their businesses.
Work with local businesses and nonprofits on supplier diversity and supply chain development with an emphasis on minority and women owned businesses.
Expand education and outreach efforts to increase the number of minority-owned and woman-owned businesses seeking county work.
Human Services
A large portion of Cuyahoga County's budget is used to maintain the social safety net for children, families, seniors and those living with disabilities. Residents should be able to count on these services, especially as the county recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic. By improving the efficiency and productivity of human service delivery, we can reach a greater number of residents and maximize the impact of county spending.
Chris will:
Audit current operations throughout Cuyahoga County's health and human services system.
Address the mental health crisis in Cuyahoga County by expanding mental health responder programs.
Restore the County Ombudsman’s Office to assist clients with navigation through the County departments and their community based partners.
Continuously improve call time response for the Department of Children and Family Services and other human service departments.
Focus on neighborhood based resources, interventions and solutions for children and families in crisis.
Our county government has yet to meet the objectives that voters demanded in 2009. Chris will be the County Executive that reopens the dialogue on the implementation of county reform.
Chris will:
Revisit the County Charter voters approved in 2009 and create performance benchmarks for ongoing review.
Conduct bi-annual audits of county departments to align programs with community priorities and needs.
Create consistent opportunities for community engagement and constituent feedback.
Focus on partnerships with all 59 communities to promote regional collaboration and effective service delivery.
Rebuild staff relations within Cuyahoga County government to foster a culture of trust, communication and accountability.
Smart Government
To bring county government into the 21st century, we need to invest in technology to make our systems more efficient and user friendly for residents.
Chris will:
Introduce “County Stat” as a performance management and measuring system for Cuyahoga County government.
Complete the Cuyahoga County IT system overhaul.
Utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to inform equitable program distribution based on community needs.
Advocate for smart infrastructure throughout Cuyahoga County communities.
Collaborate with partners across the country to bring best practices here to Cuyahoga County.
Justice Services​
As County Executive, Chris will conduct a thorough investigation of the county jail and its current operations. Oversight of our jail needs to be consistent and transparent to maintain safety for its occupants. First and foremost, our justice system needs to emphasize diversion, reentry and rehabilitation before incarceration for nonviolent offenses.
Chris will:
Make immediate upgrades to the Justice Center to improve building conditions.
Introduce the Court Expediter position to assess inmate circumstances and offer resources and support.
Fully utilize the Cuyahoga County Diversion Center to address the needs of those in crisis.
Work with judges to examine bail reform alternatives to decrease inequities in our justice system.
Expand access to expungement and other community support programs.
Fully evaluate options for the construction and/or renovation of the Cuyahoga County Justice Center.
Conduct a thorough review of the Juvenile Justice system. We cannot fail children.
Senior Services
As a county, we need to prepare for an aging future. By 2030, 30% of Cuyahoga County’s population will be 60 years of age or older. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 26% of older adults in Cuyahoga County had to choose between food and at least one other necessity. It is vital that the next County Executive has the vision to invest in our senior population and provide them with the support they deserve.
Chris will:
Sign onto the World Health Organization’s “Age Friendly Community” initiative, launching a five-year process to assess, plan and implement public policies and community initiatives that will improve the lives of older adults.
Improve and increase outreach efforts for the existing support network for aging adults in Cuyahoga County.
Increase affordable housing options for seniors to ensure they aren’t priced out of their homes or forced to choose between housing and basic necessities.
Work with transportation providers and GCRTA to ensure that transportation is not a barrier to access services and daily needs.
Institute a neighborhood based approach to senior service delivery so that services are provided in the community where the senior resides.
Shared Services
As Cuyahoga County recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, Chris is committed to more efficiency in how we pay taxpayer dollars. We need to promote a shared service agenda with the entire county to decrease municipality and county costs.
Partner with municipalities within Cuyahoga County and the region to create a shared service agenda.
Introduce participatory budgeting to include more residents in the allocation process.
Reevaluate tax abatement policies to focus on each localities’ needs.
Public Health
The lack of health equity is a persistent issue in Cuyahoga County. Your zip code should not determine your health outcomes in our county. County government must continue to support the work of The MetroHealth System while also building real, lasting partnerships with other medical systems, including the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, to overcome Cuyahoga County's health disparities.
Chris will:
Work with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and emphasize efforts to reach under-served areas and encourage vaccination.
Support the development of complete communities to promote accessible neighborhoods. Every resident should be 15 minutes from fresh food, a park, quality schools, jobs and healthcare providers.
Fund and support both research and field work to improve Cuyahoga County’s infant mortality rate, especially for Black children.
Address the rise in drug related deaths by expanding access to addiction treatment and walk-in clinics.
Budget & Tax Policy
As Cuyahoga County recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, Chris is committed to more efficiency in how we pay taxpayer dollars. We need to promote a shared service agenda with the entire county to decrease municipality and county costs.
Partner with municipalities within Cuyahoga County and the region to create a shared service agenda.
Introduce participatory budgeting to include more residents in the allocation process.
Reevaluate tax abatement policies to focus on each localities’ needs.
Housing access is one of the most important issues facing our county. We must build partnerships with for profits, nonprofits, and foundations to expand affordable housing access, build new housing and ensure that our current housing stock is safe for residents.
Chris will:
Introduce a new Division of Housing focused on community partnerships and policies that support a full spectrum of housing.
Expand access to lending for first-time homebuyers, especially Minority homebuyers.
Help communities maintain and expand affordable housing and partner with developers to build middle-income for-sale housing.
Advocate for additional fix-up-funds to support the preservation of existing housing stock
Commit to a goal of total lead hazard abatement in Cuyahoga County homes by 2030.
Support access to rent assistance for seniors to make sure they don’t have to choose between paying their rent or mortgage and basic necessities.
Improve services for those that are unhoused by providing more bed support for emergency homelessness, temporary and transitional housing support and additional wrap-around services.
At University Circle Inc., Chris partnered with local agencies to expand permeable surfacing, protect trees and parks, and support alternative transportation modes. As a county, we need to make climate change a priority. Cuyahoga County should be a leader in renewable energy, climate resilience and green manufacturing.
Chris will:
Invest in solar and wind power to decrease our dependence on energy imports and lower energy bills for constituents.
Attract clean energy jobs to Cuyahoga County and provide a pipeline from schools to the clean energy industry for students.
Support and incentivize solar retrofits on homes throughout Cuyahoga County.
Protect the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie from pollution and stormwater runoff.
Restore our tree canopy to reduce air pollution.
Schools are central to our communities and high-quality education is essential to securing our county's future. Pre-K-12 education should prepare each student for the workforce, college or entry into a trade or technical school. Cuyahoga Community College and the county’s universities are key to our region’s success. We need to retain talent in Cuyahoga County to grow our population and economy.
Chris will:
Advocate to extend Pre-K education to all children in Cuyahoga County.
Build on partnerships with our recreation centers, libraries and other institutions to create wraparound and summer programs for Pre-K-12 students.
Bridge the digital divide with public private partnerships to ensure that digital connectivity is never a barrier to learning.
Encourage even more accessible trade and technical schools.
Expand access to Cuyahoga Community College programs to high school students.
Focus on increasing literacy rates for children and adults throughout Cuyahoga County.
At University Circle Inc. and Cleveland City Hall, Chris championed multiple modes of transportation. We can do the same throughout Cuyahoga County.
Chris will:
Advocate for increased funding for GCRTA from the State of Ohio and the Federal government.
Allocate State and Federal funds to ensure that Cuyahoga County's roads and bridges are maintained to the highest level.
Collaborate with employers on more transit-based support for workers.
Revisit community circulator opportunities within Cuyahoga County communities.
Support the construction and expansion of complete and green streets throughout the county.
Introduce a Division of Mobility within county government.
Support a Bike Friendly Cuyahoga County and a connected county trail network.
Public Safety
Above all, our communities need to be safe for all of our residents. Safety forces in Cuyahoga County need to be responsive, well trained and accountable to the public. We must use all resources available to lower crime rates and decrease gun violence in our communities.
Chris will:
Encourage communities in Cuyahoga County to participate in care response pilot programs to deploy specially trained responders to mental health emergency calls.
Support crime prevention programs working with area schools and community partners and diversion programs within the court system.
Expand training opportunities for police officers.
Explore dispatch service mergers that improve services and decrease costs for our communities.
Build partnerships with law enforcement agencies to target violent and repeat offenders.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed long lasting inequities in our county and country. Chris is determined to lead an inclusive economic recovery that prioritizes job growth, equity and modernization.
Chris will:
Utilize a community based economic development plan because every municipality has its unique advantages and challenges.
Fight for a living wage for Cuyahoga residents.
Focus on providing a safety net for those struggling to recover from the pandemic.
Partner with Cuyahoga County's communities to identify and secure federal recovery grants.
In University Circle, Chris and his team oversaw Ohio’s fastest-growing employment district. By building lasting partnerships with employers and schools across Cuyahoga County, we can think innovatively about sustainable job growth. We must focus on leveraging our core economic strengths to spur economic growth, supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses and bringing new companies and industries to the region.
Chris will:
Work with local area partners on workforce development opportunities to connect schools, employers, public partners and nonprofits.
Support existing and create new technical and trade schools in Cuyahoga County to create new job pipelines.
Expand workforce development opportunities so that every adult has the skills to obtain and maintain employment.
Partner with labor unions to create more skilled trades opportunities and apprenticeships.
Restore the county's Division of Employer Resources within the Department of Development to ensure greater business retention.
As Planning Director at the City of Cleveland, Chris led the Cleveland Lakefront Plan that began the transformation of our lakefront. Since then, lakefront projects have received millions of dollars in investment but there is still more to do to connect Cuyahoga County residents to Lake Erie. Cuyahoga County should be the freshwater capital of the world and Chris can help us get there. The Great Lakes supply 84% of North America's surface fresh water and our county's strategic location on Lake Erie’s shore is one of our community’s largest advantages.
Chris will:
Protect the water quality of our lake, rivers, and tributaries by promoting green infrastructure, reduction of storm water runoff and other pollutants.
Elevate Cuyahoga County as the Freshwater Capital through educational programming, increased public access and public art.
Create new jobs by leveraging waterborne business opportunities and partnering with the Port of Cleveland.
Maximize trails, public boardwalks and greater public access to Lake Erie and our rivers in Cuyahoga County.
Develop an annual water exposition to draw innovation and entrepreneurship to our lakefront.
Review Cuyahoga County airports and air service and evaluate Burke Lakefront Airport's usage.
Chris grew up with hardworking parents who were both small business owners and he knows the challenges that our small businesses face. As a county we need to utilize our shared resources to support our small business base and aid struggling small businesses, especially those hurting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Chris will:
Expand workforce development for small business employers and employees.
Invest in programs that help small businesses access new technology.
Support minority, LGBTQIA+, immigrant, refugee and women-owned businesses by reducing startup barriers and increasing access to small business loans.
Expand the SBA-County-Municipal Initiative and build partnerships with more municipalities.
Reinvest in Cuyahoga County’s Business Growth Lending program to help growing businesses expand in Cuyahoga County.
Cuyahoga County's location near natural resources and large population centers is one of our strengths, but we need to ensure that our infrastructure, from roads and bridges to broadband internet, is continually maintained and improved.
Chris will:
Coordinate regional air service improvements with the City of Cleveland and the Greater Cleveland Partnership.
Develop a regional logistics plan for the movement of goods and people.
Launch a green infrastructure plan to promote sustainability.
Partner with Internet Service Providers, nonprofits, and foundations to ensure that all Cuyahoga County residents have broadband internet access.
Collaborate with municipalities to use ARPA resources for critical infrastructure improvements.
Our county government has yet to meet the objectives that voters demanded in 2009. Chris will be the County Executive that reopens the dialogue on the implementation of county reform.
Chris will:
Revisit the County Charter voters approved in 2009 and create performance benchmarks for ongoing review.
Conduct bi-annual audits of county departments to align programs with community priorities and needs.
Create consistent opportunities for community engagement and constituent feedback.
Focus on partnerships with all 59 communities to promote regional collaboration and effective service delivery.
Rebuild staff relations within Cuyahoga County government to foster a culture of trust, communication and accountability.
Smart government starts with leadership’s commitment to modernization. To bring county government into the 21st century, we need to invest in technology to make our systems more efficient and user friendly for residents.
Chris will:
Introduce “County Stat” as a performance management and measuring system for Cuyahoga County government.
Complete the Cuyahoga County IT system overhaul.
Utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to inform equitable program distribution based on community needs.
Advocate for smart infrastructure throughout Cuyahoga County communities.
Collaborate with partners across the country to bring best practices here to Cuyahoga County.
A large portion of Cuyahoga County's budget is used to maintain the social safety net for children, families, seniors and those living with disabilities. Residents should be able to count on these services, especially as the county recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic. By improving the efficiency and productivity of human service delivery, we can reach a greater number of residents and maximize the impact of county spending.
Chris will:
Audit current operations throughout Cuyahoga County's health and human services system.
Address the mental health crisis in Cuyahoga County by expanding mental health responder programs.
Restore the County Ombudsman’s Office to help clients navigate County departments and their community based partners.
Continuously improve call time response at the Department of Children and Family Services and other human service departments.
Focus on neighborhood based resources, interventions and solutions for children and families in crisis.
As a county, we need to prepare for an aging future. By 2030, 30% of Cuyahoga County’s population will be 60 years of age or older. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 26% of older adults in Cuyahoga County had to choose between food and at least one other necessity. It is vital that the next County Executive has the vision to invest in our senior population and provide them with the support they deserve.
Chris will:
Sign onto the World Health Organization’s “Age Friendly Community” initiative, launching a five-year process to assess, plan and implement public policies and community initiatives that will improve the lives of older adults.
Improve and increase outreach efforts for the existing support network for aging adults in Cuyahoga County.
Increase affordable housing options for seniors to ensure they aren’t priced out of their homes or forced to choose between housing and basic necessities.
Work with transportation providers and GCRTA to ensure that transportation is not a barrier to access services and daily needs.
Institute a neighborhood based approach to senior service delivery so that services are provided in the community where the senior resides.
As County Executive, Chris will conduct a thorough investigation of the county jail and its current operations. Oversight of our jail needs to be consistent and transparent to maintain safety for its occupants. First and foremost, our justice system needs to emphasize diversion, reentry and rehabilitation before incarceration for nonviolent offenses.
Chris will:
Make immediate upgrades to the Justice Center to improve building conditions.
Introduce the Court Expediter position to assess inmate circumstances and offer resources and support.
Fully utilize the Cuyahoga County Diversion Center to address the needs of those in crisis.
Work with judges to examine bail reform alternatives to decrease inequities in our justice system.
Expand access to expungement and other community support programs.
Fully evaluate options for the construction and/or renovation of the Cuyahoga County Justice Center.
Conduct a thorough review of the Juvenile Justice system. We cannot fail children.
Communities that work together, prosper together. We must partner with communities across Cuyahoga County to promote a shared service agenda to ensure effective and timely delivery of services.
Chris will:
Work with the Cuyahoga County mayors and managers to develop intra-regional service districts within the county.
Implement more Joint Economic Development and Zoning Agreements across municipal boundaries to foster regional development and shared services in JEDD/ZA districts.
Pursue land assembly across municipal borders for to support economic and community development.
Establish a shared sourcing office to further take advantage of group purchasing opportunities.
Conduct an alignment study on municipal services.
Facilitate tax sharing agreements between municipalities to support economic development initiatives.
The lack of health equity is a persistent issue in Cuyahoga County. Your zip code should not determine your health outcomes in our county. County government must continue to support the work of The MetroHealth System while also building real, lasting partnerships with other medical systems, including the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, to overcome Cuyahoga County's health disparities.
Chris will:
Work with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and emphasize efforts to reach under-served areas and encourage vaccination.
Support the development of complete communities to promote accessible neighborhoods. Every resident should be 15 minutes from fresh food, a park, quality schools, jobs and healthcare providers.
Fund and support both research and field work to improve Cuyahoga County’s infant mortality rate, especially for Black children.
Address the rise in drug related deaths by expanding access to addiction treatment and walk-in clinics.
Housing access is one of the most important issues facing our county. We must build partnerships with for profits, nonprofits, and foundations to expand affordable housing access, build new housing and ensure that our current housing stock is safe for residents.
Chris will:
Introduce a new Division of Housing focused on community partnerships and policies that support a full spectrum of housing.
Expand access to lending for first-time homebuyers, especially Minority homebuyers.
Help communities maintain and expand affordable housing and partner with developers to build middle-income for-sale housing.
Advocate for additional fix-up-funds to support the preservation of existing housing stock
Commit to a goal of total lead hazard abatement in Cuyahoga County homes.
Support access to rent assistance for seniors to make sure they don’t have to choose between paying their rent or mortgage and basic necessities.
Improve services for those that are unhoused by providing more bed support for emergency homelessness, temporary and transitional housing support and additional wrap-around services.
At University Circle Inc., Chris partnered with local agencies to expand permeable surfacing, protect trees and parks, and support alternative transportation modes. As a county, we need to make climate change a priority. Cuyahoga County should be a leader in renewable energy, climate resilience and green manufacturing.
Chris will:
Invest in solar and wind power to decrease our dependence on energy imports and lower energy bills for constituents.
Attract clean energy jobs to Cuyahoga County and provide a pipeline from schools to the clean energy industry for students.
Support and incentivize solar retrofits on homes throughout Cuyahoga County.
Protect the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie from pollution and stormwater runoff.
Restore our tree canopy to reduce air pollution.
Above all, our communities need to be safe for all of our residents. Safety forces in Cuyahoga County need to be responsive, well trained and accountable to the public. We must use all resources available to lower crime rates and decrease gun violence in our communities.
Chris will:
Encourage communities in Cuyahoga County to participate in care response pilot programs to deploy specially trained responders to mental health emergency calls.
Support crime prevention programs working with area schools and community partners and diversion programs within the court system.
Expand training opportunities for police officers.
Explore dispatch service mergers that improve services and decrease costs for our communities.
Build partnerships with law enforcement agencies to target violent and repeat offenders
At University Circle Inc. and Cleveland City Hall, Chris championed multiple modes of transportation. We can do the same throughout Cuyahoga County.
Chris will:
Advocate for increased funding for GCRTA from the State of Ohio and the Federal government.
Allocate State and Federal funds to ensure that Cuyahoga County's roads and bridges are maintained to the highest level.
Collaborate with employers on more transit-based support for workers.
Revisit community circulator opportunities within Cuyahoga County communities.
Support the construction and expansion of complete and green streets throughout the county.
Introduce a Division of Mobility within county government.
Support a Bike Friendly Cuyahoga County and a connected county trail network.
As president of University Circle Inc., Chris worked to connect local small businesses to large anchor employer's supply chains. We must ensure that local partners, especially minority and women-owned businesses, benefit from all projects that receive public support. In a healthy economy, local dollars stay local.
Chris will:
Establish a framework for Cuyahoga County contracts to maximize local spending opportunities.
Identify training and educational opportunities for small business owners to help them grow and scale their businesses.
Work with local businesses and nonprofits on supplier diversity and supply chain development with an emphasis on minority and women-owned businesses.
Expand education and outreach efforts to increase the number of minority-owned and woman-owned businesses seeking county work.
Shared Services
Communities that work together, prosper together. We must partner with communities across Cuyahoga County to promote a shared service agenda to ensure effective and timely delivery of services.
Chris will:
Work with the Cuyahoga County mayors and managers to develop intra-regional service districts within the county.
Implement more Joint Economic Development and Zoning Agreements across municipal boundaries to foster regional development and shared services in JEDD districts
Pursue land assembly across municipal borders for to support economic and community development.
Establish a shared sourcing office to further take advantage of group purchasing opportunities.
Conduct an alignment study on municipal services.
Facilitate tax sharing agreements between municipalities to support economic development initiatives.